Wizard Tag

Wizard Tag is putting together the pieces for our crowdfunding campaign and would like your feedback on what leads you to support a campaign.
Electronic devices tend to be more expensive than some other crowdfunded products like comics and games. Is it the product itself, the special offers, or something else that inspires you to Back a Campaign?
What do you Look for in a Crowdfunding Campaign for a New Electronic Device?
Share your thoughts in the comments below!
- Have you supported any Crowdfunding campaigns? How many? What did you get?
- Are you looking forward to the Wizard Tag campaign?

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Browse the Latest Blogs:

Game Review: The Vale of Eternity
- 6 min read
The Vale of Eternity comes in a small box and seems simple at first. There is some luck involved, but because it is a card drafting game, everyone gets to implement their own strategy.
- Date: May 12, 2024

Game Night: Root
- 4 min read
This game night occurred at my Father’s house and I was able to get in a 4-person game of Root with me, Dad, one of my sisters, and my brother-in-law.
- Date: May 5, 2024

Wizard Tag Web Design
- 4 min read
Most businesses need a website and Wizard Tag is no exception. We decided to go it alone when it came to web design. (And by that I mean that Cally did it all!)
- Date: April 28, 2024