Wizard Tag

Presenting at a Trade Show is arguably more difficult than selling at a Convention. The preparation for this show began months ago, but the last two months were really busy. Even though we were focused on the show, we still had a lot of work to do on the product, including new software testing.
Prepping for our First Trade Show!
Why did we choose to present The Wand at Amusement Expo International 2024?
When we were deciding whether to go to a fantasy convention first or an industry trade show, a lot of the decision had to do with timing. Since we started software testing in the beginning of 2024, we thought we would be able to present something, even if the software is still in the testing phase.
AEI is a trade show that includes the Laser Tag Convention, which is right up our alley. It also includes family fun centers, billiards, and bowling. We decided that presenting to the community of laser tag arena owners would be the best place to show the industry what we’ve got, get their feedback, and sell them on the idea of adding Wizard Tag to their business plans!
What were the challenges?
- Timeframe was short (there’s never enough time)!
- Needed all of the makings for our booth.
- Assemble the prototypes in the new 3D printed prototype cases.

What did we do to prepare?
- Reserved our booth:
- Read event and union rules
- Planned the booth
- Sent out a press release
- Gave an interview to local paper
- Coordinated meeting with industry expert and blogger (TiviaChick Loves Laser Tag)
- Purchased booth supplies:
- Backdrop, table cloths, runners with logos
- Signup forms, product feature cards, business cards
- Prepped sales pitches, booth duties, and Frequently Asked Questions
- Flooring, table, chairs
- Obtained sample wand box
- Built wand displays
- Booked the travel and hotels
Share your thoughts in the comments below!
- Have you ever attended a trade show?
- What do you think about Wizard Tag marketing to laser tag arenas?
- Would you prefer to play with friends at home, office workers offsite, or in an arena?
- Do you like the idea of being able to bring your personal Wizard Tag Wand to an arena to battle others?

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